Thursday, October 17, 2013

"The sentence that made my heart stop"

Off to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital (story of our lives) to talk to Dr. Thomas about what's next for our gorgeous Layla Brooke. Leyah (our 7 year old daughter) has never had another UTI since her reflux diagnoses so we took her off antibiotics and opted out of a 2nd VCUG. So what the urologist had to say was yet again the most shocking news. And here goes "the sentence that made my heart stop" ...
"Layla needs to have surgery to have the reflux repaired." 
Doctor dear Lord no! Why my baby?! I left the office that day with the heaviest heart and it still remains that way. Layla needed to have another surgery to repair what the 1st surgery caused. This surgery would consist of her having a c-section cut, they would need to detacht all 3 of her ureters and reattach them in different places and that repairs the reflux. While they are in there they decided it would be best to go ahead and cut out the ureterocele (the blockage in her bladder). I wish there was a way they could avoid cutting her stomach open. :( the thought of her having a c-section scar so early in life breaks my heart. Our boys have had such bad issues with scar tissue in the past so this makes me especially nervous. Her little belly is so precious to me and it will forever be changed by this surgery. :( I will be posting before and after belly pictures of course this may take a while because ill need to wait for her incision to heal. But I want to remember her sweet belly as perfect as it's always been and I'd like to be able to show her those photos. Please Lord let this be the last surgery Layla and all of our children! Oct 22, 2013 is surgery day. Please keep our precious Angel in your prayers! 

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